Hola! Hey everyone! I hope all is going well! Life in Honduras is great! Everyday I continue to learn, and I continue to grow! God has a plan for each and every one of us!

This week was a really great week! Elder Hurtado and I have been working extremely hard! He is awesome! I am so blessed and grateful for great companions! We haved decided to start working more with the members again. This week we have been trying to help them make the goal to prepare to go to the temple in september, as well as work and help us in the missionary work. We also have been making an effort to find old investigadors, and start teaching them again.
We were verry blessed to find some of the old investigadors, and we are actually really excited of the potencial they have. One family is Family Paz. The Mom is Ondina, and we have been talking with her, her doughter´s Eslí, Nichole, and Vivian. They are a great family, and have enjoyed learning again, and show a lot of interes. Especialy the Doughters of 9 and 8. We also found another family. Rene and Maria Lopez. They have 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls. We are also coninuing to work with Rosa Lopez, and her sister Suseli! There is a lot of potencial here, and we are super excited! I know that if we continue with Faith the Miracles will come we just have to trust in God.
The members are all doing well. It has been a hard week for many of them. They have had health problems, work problems, family problems, and all sorts of distracions. It is verry interesting how satan works so hard to destroy us, but thankfully, through our trials, we can learn.
Today I wanted to talk a little about just that. Why do we have to pass through problems? Why can´t life be easier? Well it´s a great question, and if you or I say we have never asked ourselves this question, I´m pretty sure we would be lying. Now, let me do my best to explain what I have learned.
We are here in this life, becuase it is part of the Plan of Salvacion, the Plan that God gave us so we can "Recieve inmortality and eternal Life." This plan consist´s of the creation, the fall, this life, the spirit world, resurecion, judgment, and our ending glory based on our accions and desire of our hearts here in this life. We are here in a fallen world, because of the transgression of Adam and Eve, we are in a world of difficulties, pain, sorrow, and temptaions from Satan and his angels. It is difficult. And if it weren´t for Christ, it would be miserable forever. BUT! And this is a big but, God sent his son Jesus Christ, who has suffered each and every one of these pains so that if would would repent and follow him through
1: Faith
2: Repentance
3: Baptims by his Authority
4: Recieve the Holy Ghost
5: Endure to the End by keeping his commandments and his Covanents
We would be forgiven. We would find Joy and happiness in a fallen world, and hope in a Celestial Kingdom, the Kingdom of God to be exact (Inmortality and Eternal Life) when we die and are resurected.
I would like to thank God and join Jacob in saying, "Oh the wisdom in God, his mercy and grace!" Thanks to Adam and Eve, and the fall of man we can pass through these difficulties and know sorrow, so, through christ and his atonement and our repentance, we can feel and know Joy! This is all part of God´s plan! When we have trials we should be grateful, and we should learn and grow and thank God for his son, Jesus Christ, our brother, our savior, our redeemer!
I am so thankful for Christ! I am so thankful for the great Plan of God! Let us put our trust in him! Let us live every day, every trial, every sad moment, thanking God, that with our Faith and Hope through Jesus Christ, one day we will rest from our tribulacions, and we will live in peace and Joy!
I love you all! It is my hope and prayer that we will all put our trust in our God! That we will have faith, repent, be babtized, recieve the great blessing and gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the End! I know and Testify that the Chrurch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint is the Church of God! I know that Through Jospeph Smith Christ restored his Church, and his Power (Priesthood). If you aren´t sure, take a look at the fruits (Matthew 7:20). The fruits include, The Book of Mormon, the Church and Orginization, and most importantly, the members (1 John 3:10,1 John 4:7 Matthew 5:48). Please please please, ask of God! Look at the fruits, and ask of God! And then follow him!
I love you all so much!

Elder Trenton Horace Harmon
Mission Honduras San Pedro Sula Oeste
12 calle, Avenida Circunvalación,
S.O. Edificio Yude Canahuati,
3 Nivel, Oficina #4
San Pero Sula, Cortés, Honduras, C.A.
Mission Honduras San Pedro Sula Oeste
Apartado Postal 1956
San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras, C.A.